Gender Reveal

Gender Reveal Cornhole: No Sew Bean Bags

I didn't quite have it in me to call these little guys sperm in the title, but they are quite possibly the cutest little sperm bean bags around. I actually got this idea from Pinterest but there were no links attached to it and the only tutorial I could find involved sewing. Seeing as I neither own a sewing machine nor am motivated enough to relearn to sew for some bean bags (especially ones that will likely only be used once) I set off to design a no sew variety that I could accomplish in a couple hours. The result turned out pretty darn cute, if I do say so myself. :)

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8 Long White Socks (try to find them without colored tips or noticeable heels)
Googly Eyes
Black Felt
Fabric Glue
Red Paint and Circular Sponge Brush (If you want lips on your girls)
Cornhole Set (if you don't already have one)

1. If your socks have colored tips, start by flipping them inside out. Wrap the colored part around your finger and tie a knot, making sure all the color is above the knot.

2. Flip your socks right side out and one by one fill each with 1 to 1 1/2 cups of rice. My bean bags looked best with a rounded cup worth of rice but it varies from sock to sock. Tie another knot with the "tail" of the sock and tighten the knot against the base of the bean bag.

3. Next, cut the sperm tail from the extra fabric on the end of the sock. Cut from the end of the sock to the base of the knot in a serpentine pattern then repeat that cut again, making a sort of squiggly triangle. Cut off all excess sock. All your socks should look like the sock below (minus the eyes)

4. Once all the socks are stuffed with their tails cut I added the googly eyes and other accessories using fabric glue. For the boys I cut out black felt mustaches and the girls got black felt eyelashes. The girls didn't quite look like girls to me with just eyelashes so I added lips with red paint and a round sponge brush. 

They were a hit at the party and everyone had fun choosing sides! The eyelashes and mustaches actually stayed on through the whole party which was a pleasant surprise. Leave any questions in the comments!